Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Part 2: The hike to Ostrander Lake


After a mile or so into the hike, we reach the first junction.  Based on our maps, we still have a little over 4 miles or so to go.

First Junction
As I mentioned on Part 1, the first few miles of this hike is pretty flat and scenic.  A very shaded and well maintained trail...it was actually a nice trail to walk on and it suited me fine considering my condition for the hike.  

At this time, my group has formed clusters where certain people break off the main group.  The "hike your own hike" philosophy I employ is apparent.  I personally was surprised that I was keeping up with the fast group but sadly, this changes later on.

An hour or so into hike, we reach the second junction on the trail.

At this point, this is where the trail basically starts to climb. Though gentle at first, it does get steep - at least for my standards it was steep.

Now, you have to remember that when hiking in the Sierra Range, the trail will provide you with something amazing that helps you forget all the pain.  After hiking the uphill section, the trail opens up to this...

One last turn on the trail and the Ostrander Ski Hut comes to view...oh what a sight.  Seeing this was a psychological boost for me...I can rest soon.

Exhausted, hungry, and feeling a bit weak, I look for my group and find a spot to setup for the weekend.  There are quite a few spots 200 feet away from the lake that offered good wind breaks and shade.  I find a spot between two trees where I can setup my tarp shelter.  

Home is setup. time to sit by the lake and have some lunch.  We started hiking around 10:00 AM and I arrived at 12:30 PM...not bad for a sick guy I guess.  

The hike as a whole was very scenic and simply beautiful.  I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more if I was at 100%.  In the end, I am happy I made it to camp...I can relax and enjoy the view and the sounds of the lake.

Part 3...A day on the Lake - coming next


  1. Looks gorgeous! Makes me want to backpack the Sierra's even more.

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